Friday, January 13, 2017

Seafood Salad & Weekend Potluck #256

Good morning and Happy Friday!!!! Today is Weekend Potluck and we have some delicious recipe features to share with you!!! South Your Mouths Seafood Salad was the most viewed recipe from last weeks potluck, so congrats Mandy!! Our hostess for the week is me and I'm sharing my recipe for Old Fashioned Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti!  This recipe is a huge hit in our house, so I hope you'll give this recipe a try! 

If you're new to Weekend Potluck here's a little run down. Weekend Potluck  is a place where each week food bloggers come to link up their favorite recipes! Every Friday we share the most viewed recipe from the previous weeks potluck, features that caught our eye and new recipes shared for the current potluck (click on the recipes at the end of this post). Make sure to check back throughout the weekend because new recipes are always added. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Now lets take a look back at last week's favorites. ?

? The Recipe with the most views was ?
Seafood Salad by South Your Mouth 

? Recipes that caught our eye ?
Retro 7-Up Salad by Cherry & Spice

Mini Chicken & Waffles by Living on Cloud Nine

? Hostess Recipe ?

? Your Hostesses ?

Remember when you link up,  it shows up on all four blogs, plus...


First a little Housekeeping! If you're a blogger and wish to be a featured recipe or for us to promote your recipe either on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, you MUST follow these instructions. Please link up to your exact recipe post and not the home page to your blog. Also link back to Weekend Potluck in your post so everyone can find the fun.   
