Tuesday, July 31, 2018

2018 Garden Harvest (July - August)

Planting and caring for a vegetable garden is hard work, but it's definitely worth it in the end. There's nothing more satisfying than harvesting vegetables that you have started from seed!  Anxiously waiting, watching and hoping for a good harvest. Today I'm sharing another garden update on our 2018 vegetable garden and all the vegetables that we finally were able to harvest. 

We had plenty of yellow squash and for awhile we were harvesting at least 5 a day. 

More yellow squash, but only a few zucchini this year. Next year I am definitely going to try the Burpee Sure Thing Zucchini, because I haven't been lucky at getting hardly any zucchini the last couple of years. 

We tried our hand at pole beans this year, but were a bit disappointed. We didn't harvest near as much as when we grew bush beans the year before. 

Peppers, peppers and more peppers and of course loads and loads of pickling cucumbers. 

I was picking at least 10 cucumbers a day for about a month, so I have a pantry full of delicious pickles.

This was our first year at rowing pepperoncinnis and we had a great harvest. 

More bell peppers and lots of jalapenos. 

Our corn did wonderful, but the fields rats eventually got a hold of them. This is the second year this happened so we are not sure if we will be growing corn again. All that work and they cleaned out all of it overnight. 

Our peach tree was filled to the brim with beautiful peaches. 

We harvested a huge laundry basket full. I have so much peaches in the freezer as well as peach jam.  We still have plenty of potatoes and peppers growing and our tomato plants are finally coming along. All in all so far it's been a pretty good year.
